Avoid Being a Victim of Revenge

PEOPLE are complaining about the high prices that we are experiencing nowadays. For example, in the last year, 2022, our average inflation was 5.8 percent, and the BSP Monetary Board forecast for 2023 will likely be around 2 percent to 4 percent inflation. Inflation has two sides: cost-push inflation is when the demand does not … Read more

Do Christmas songs affect consumer spending?

Jose Mari Chan meme is becoming a usual trend over the social media every September. It’s an indication that Filipinos are quite excited for a long Christmas celebration that will happen. Then the moment malls open on the first day of September, the long-playing Christmas songs will start to be heard until January of next … Read more

How to Handle A Money Conversation During A Crisis

Joe was 21 years old when the 2008 financial crisis happened. He still remembers how severely affected his overseas Filipino worker (OFW) neighbors were that time. He considered himself lucky because his uncle helped him finish college and get hired by the shipping company where the latter was working. But his uncle was due to … Read more

What is the Best Advice Someone Has Ever Given You?

More than a decade ago, I sailed with a rigorous, flamboyant, and quite an influential Swedish Captain. He was considered fierce-looking due to his immense built and strong foreign features. In fact, if it is your first time to sail with him, the tendency is to be afraid and aloof. Just like in any other … Read more

The Hindrance to Success

I’ve done countless “Financial Planning for the Fast Changing World” seminars. I started educating and inspiring people when I was still boarding a ship. Now, I’m doing this advocacy not only for OFWs but as well as for all people who are looking for ways to reach financial independence. In all honesty, all of my … Read more