The Best Christmas Gift

Celebrations are a quick translation for “Christmas season’ for many Filipinos. Many Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and seafarers also come home to their families for this annual merry making. This 2020 however, celebrations might not be the same due to the lingering effects of the pandemic on the Philippines. What could be the best way … Read more

How to Handle A Money Conversation During A Crisis

Joe was 21 years old when the 2008 financial crisis happened. He still remembers how severely affected his overseas Filipino worker (OFW) neighbors were that time. He considered himself lucky because his uncle helped him finish college and get hired by the shipping company where the latter was working. But his uncle was due to … Read more

What is the Best Advice Someone Has Ever Given You?

More than a decade ago, I sailed with a rigorous, flamboyant, and quite an influential Swedish Captain. He was considered fierce-looking due to his immense built and strong foreign features. In fact, if it is your first time to sail with him, the tendency is to be afraid and aloof. Just like in any other … Read more

A Replacement to your SSS Pension

Do you think about your retirement? How’s it gonna be? For some, it’s a question of “how do you enjoy this stage?” but for many, it’s “how will you survive this?”. Let’s talk about how you can prepare for your retirement. So, how much budget will you need in your Golden Years? You might know … Read more

Five Steps to a Fabulous Retirement

Becoming rich can be daunting and confusing at the beginning just like navigating in a foggy sea. But once you start taking some steps, things get clear. If we define what financial planning is, it means a long term process of wisely managing your finances so you can achieve your goals and dreams. Retirement is … Read more

What You Don’t Know About Estate Planning Can Hurt Your Family

One afternoon, at one of my financial planning seminars, I asked my participants, “what is estate tax?”. A number of participants replied in unison, “it’s the tax we pay every year!” Although, many Filipinos nowadays are well aware of the fundamental concept of financial planning, many are still ill-educated when it comes to estate planning. … Read more


Matapos ang mahabang panahon ng ating pagtatrabo, ang kadalasang pagkakamali ng karamihan ay ang hindi paghahanda sa panahon ng pagtanda. Most of us don’t bother about it until we reach the age of retiement, but sad to say, retirement is not an option. Others think they don’t need much during old age. They forget to … Read more

Life Goals

According to Lou Holtz; if you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things—you don’t have enough goals. The question is, “para kanino at para saan nga ba ang dahilan nang ating pag gising sa umaga?” Experts say that brain is a goal-seeking organism. Ano … Read more