Recognizing warning signs of financial trouble

AS we enter Fire Prevention Month, a period marked by heightened awareness of fire safety and preparedness, it’s crucial to protect our physical environment from wildfires and safeguard our financial well-being from potential economic fires. Just as this season’s hot and dry conditions increase the risk of fires, economic factors can also create explosive situations … Read more

Retiring during rising inflation

MOST Filipinos rely on social security for their retirement. However, despite the evidence in the past that depending on the government retirement program will surely lead us to despondent golden years. Still, from generation to generation, this is a considerable debate about whether to invest in it or just be faithful for the future. Of … Read more

How to Handle A Money Conversation During A Crisis

Joe was 21 years old when the 2008 financial crisis happened. He still remembers how severely affected his overseas Filipino worker (OFW) neighbors were that time. He considered himself lucky because his uncle helped him finish college and get hired by the shipping company where the latter was working. But his uncle was due to … Read more

The Attitude That Stops Us From Becoming Rich

In most of the financial planning seminars that I have conducted, I’ve always asked the audience, “Who among you want to be rich?” Definitely, all hands would be up. No one dreams of being poor. My next question, “Who among you are willing to do whatever it takes to be rich?” Still all of them … Read more

How much do you need to be successful?

You’re listening to a very powerful motivational speaker inside a huge conference room. Before ending his talk, he throws out this question: “Who wants to become successful?” Everybody’s hand goes up in the air, which leaves you no option but to raise yours as well. After all, who doesn’t want to become accomplished in the … Read more

Are You Tracking Your Financial Grade?

When we were in school, it was not only parents but also noteworthy students who were grade-conscious. Exam results, medals, and recognition became the bases for favors, especially during shopping sprees. Grades turned out to be the ultimate bargaining power! Students who were described as carefree and infamous, on the other hands, were the ones … Read more

A Replacement to your SSS Pension

Do you think about your retirement? How’s it gonna be? For some, it’s a question of “how do you enjoy this stage?” but for many, it’s “how will you survive this?”. Let’s talk about how you can prepare for your retirement. So, how much budget will you need in your Golden Years? You might know … Read more

The Wealth Triangle

You want to invest. You can invest. But you are not sure if this is the right move for you. You are afraid that you might lose your hard-earned money in a blink of an eye. Don’t worry, I know the feeling. That’s exactly what I felt before and I’m here to help you know … Read more

What is financial planning?

Well, financial planning by definition is a long term process of wisely managing your finances so that you can achieve your dreams and goals. That means, financial planning is NOT an overnight success. So if somebody approaches you telling you to invest in something and you will have a guaranteed 20%-40% earnings or even double … Read more

How can I help my Child be Financially Independent in the Future

This article is written by Evangeline Villaverde of Cardinal Buoy Financials Our children need a lot of guidance in every aspect of their lives that’s why we as parents are encouraged to have quality time with them. We are directed to train our children in the way we want them to become so that when … Read more