Enjoying Vacation Without Breaking the Bank

SUMMER is the perfect time to take a break from the daily grind and embark on an adventure. Whether you’re dreaming of sandy beaches, bustling cities or quiet mountain retreats, the anticipation of a vacation is thrilling. However, the excitement can quickly turn to stress when you start thinking about the costs involved. With so … Read more

Building a lasting relationship with money

AS the roses wilt and the Valentine’s Day chocolates are reduced to mere wrappers, February marks a transition from the euphoria of romantic gestures to the steadiness of everyday life. While the love and affection shared during this time are cherished, it’s also an opportune moment to redirect our attention to a different kind of … Read more

Avoid Being a Victim of Revenge

PEOPLE are complaining about the high prices that we are experiencing nowadays. For example, in the last year, 2022, our average inflation was 5.8 percent, and the BSP Monetary Board forecast for 2023 will likely be around 2 percent to 4 percent inflation. Inflation has two sides: cost-push inflation is when the demand does not … Read more

How to Handle A Money Conversation During A Crisis

Joe was 21 years old when the 2008 financial crisis happened. He still remembers how severely affected his overseas Filipino worker (OFW) neighbors were that time. He considered himself lucky because his uncle helped him finish college and get hired by the shipping company where the latter was working. But his uncle was due to … Read more

The Right Financial Decisions For Your Child’s Education During This Pandemic – Ano Ba Ang Tamang Paraan Ng Pag Gastos Sa Pag Aaral Ng Anak Natin Ngayon Taon

Ano Ba Ang Tamang Paraan Ng Pag Gastos Sa Pag Aaral Ng Anak Natin Ngayon Taon. DEPED has recently announced a shocking decision, classes have been moved again on October 5, 2020. This has added more confusion to an already confusing school year for all of us here in the Philippines, especially when it comes to our budget for their education.

The Attitude That Stops Us From Becoming Rich

In most of the financial planning seminars that I have conducted, I’ve always asked the audience, “Who among you want to be rich?” Definitely, all hands would be up. No one dreams of being poor. My next question, “Who among you are willing to do whatever it takes to be rich?” Still all of them … Read more

How much do you need to be successful?

You’re listening to a very powerful motivational speaker inside a huge conference room. Before ending his talk, he throws out this question: “Who wants to become successful?” Everybody’s hand goes up in the air, which leaves you no option but to raise yours as well. After all, who doesn’t want to become accomplished in the … Read more

How To Handle The Stress of Being a Financial Provider

Have you always felt like you are carrying the weight of the world? Like everyone seems to depend on you? Your family members rely on you to pay for tuition fees, medicines, and even debts. Your friends also seem to see you as the “financier” for all your gimmicks that sometimes you begin to doubt … Read more

What You Don’t Know Might Hurt You (Why We Are Vulnerable to Scamming?)

It was the rush hour of Friday morning in January 12. A white man in jeans and long-sleeve T-shirt emerged from the Metro at the L’Enfant Plaza Station and stood beside a trash basket. He carried a violin case and took the instrument out after a while. Placing the case near his feet, he threw … Read more

The Reason Why You Don’t Get What You Want

We keep on wanting many things in life. In fact, because of too many wants, we fail to see what we are already getting. Nowadays, people in social media keep on talking about financial independence. The subject on personal finance becomes the most talked-about topic. But despite of all the information we are getting on … Read more