The Best Christmas Gift

Celebrations are a quick translation for “Christmas season’ for many Filipinos. Many Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and seafarers also come home to their families for this annual merry making. This 2020 however, celebrations might not be the same due to the lingering effects of the pandemic on the Philippines. What could be the best way … Read more

Do Christmas songs affect consumer spending?

Jose Mari Chan meme is becoming a usual trend over the social media every September. It’s an indication that Filipinos are quite excited for a long Christmas celebration that will happen. Then the moment malls open on the first day of September, the long-playing Christmas songs will start to be heard until January of next … Read more

How to Handle A Money Conversation During A Crisis

Joe was 21 years old when the 2008 financial crisis happened. He still remembers how severely affected his overseas Filipino worker (OFW) neighbors were that time. He considered himself lucky because his uncle helped him finish college and get hired by the shipping company where the latter was working. But his uncle was due to … Read more

How much do you need to be successful?

You’re listening to a very powerful motivational speaker inside a huge conference room. Before ending his talk, he throws out this question: “Who wants to become successful?” Everybody’s hand goes up in the air, which leaves you no option but to raise yours as well. After all, who doesn’t want to become accomplished in the … Read more

How To Handle The Stress of Being a Financial Provider

Have you always felt like you are carrying the weight of the world? Like everyone seems to depend on you? Your family members rely on you to pay for tuition fees, medicines, and even debts. Your friends also seem to see you as the “financier” for all your gimmicks that sometimes you begin to doubt … Read more

BREXIT (Britain Exit)—What you need to know

A referendum was held on Thursday, 23rd of June, to decide whether the UK should leave or stay the European Union. The result created a great division amongst British that resulted to 51.9% of them wanting to leave the European Union in the UK-wide vote. By the way, what is European Union? The idea of … Read more

What You Don’t Know Might Hurt You (Why We Are Vulnerable to Scamming?)

It was the rush hour of Friday morning in January 12. A white man in jeans and long-sleeve T-shirt emerged from the Metro at the L’Enfant Plaza Station and stood beside a trash basket. He carried a violin case and took the instrument out after a while. Placing the case near his feet, he threw … Read more

The Reason Why You Don’t Get What You Want

We keep on wanting many things in life. In fact, because of too many wants, we fail to see what we are already getting. Nowadays, people in social media keep on talking about financial independence. The subject on personal finance becomes the most talked-about topic. But despite of all the information we are getting on … Read more

How can I help my Child be Financially Independent in the Future

This article is written by Evangeline Villaverde of Cardinal Buoy Financials Our children need a lot of guidance in every aspect of their lives that’s why we as parents are encouraged to have quality time with them. We are directed to train our children in the way we want them to become so that when … Read more

Favoritism Sucks: A real story of Estate Planning Disaster

One of the perks in being a financial planner is that you get to hear different real life stories on how Filipinos value family legacy, specifically inheritance of family estate. If there’s one thing that really brands a Filipino style of estate planning it’s gonna to be the ridiculous privilege of the “favorite offspring” and … Read more